Thursday, December 10, 2009

A very Busy Day

Today was my second day with mama. We started our day by having breakfast in McD. I love those pancakes and ate a lot for breakfast. Mama let me eat and play at the same time which I didn't dream of doing this regularly, but today was an exception.

Pikaa........ buuu..........

Then we went to the lake on Barranca. We fet the duck, but then they started to follow us. Mama got nervous for a bit cause they kept following us for a while. But we stopped feeding them once we saw a sign 'DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS'.
And then we have to cross this bridge. I got so nervous I can't move cause I can see the water under it. 'Mama............... helppppp..........'

We walked around the lake and I got tired.

I was beat and sleep on the way home for a bit. Then I woke up to have breakfast and off we went to our last destination for the day,' Pretent City'. It was like a baby Disneyland minus Mickey and Minnie. They had pretent police station, pretend fire station, pretend restaurant, pretend house, pretend Ralph (where I pretend going shopping), pretend stage, pretend farms (but real chicks), pretend river, pretend beach, pretend construction zone, etc, etc, etc. I had sooo much fun there.

'Doggie, Mommy... Doggie....'

Hello.... anybody there????

I need to get gas for my car. The tank is empty...

Kissing my sushi before I ate him or is it her??
I got lots of money.....
Love love love this red car...
Whatever car I drive, I still went back to this red car.
Going shopping for next week... I need milk, tomato sauce...
...breakfast... this croissants look good...
... fruit...
And I got to pick these fruits directly from the three. How much fresh could you ask for?
Then we had pecking duck for dinner. Yummm......

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