Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lunch with Friends

Today we went to meet up with some friends in Thai Nakorn. I was sleepy on the way, so I slept and slept and slept even when we got there. Papa had to accompany me in the car while Mama went back and forth outside to the car wondering when I was going to wake up. Nobody dare to wake me up, cause I'll be cranky.

Anyway, when it was time to eat, I can smell the food even from the car, so I woke up (made everybody happy). There were lots of food on the table already when I came in. Meet up with Dylan and Jojo. Everybody grown up....

After lunch, we went to the District, there was a hugeeee....... xmas tree.

Hmmmm... that looks so yummy......

'I wanna push.. I wanna push'

Getting cranky...
At night we went to the train station in Tustin to see xmas decorated train with Santa on it. It was cold..... and yet so many people.

So..... pretty...

With one of the elf...

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