Friday, October 31, 2008

My first Trick or Treat

Today Kuku took me go Trick or Treat. I dress up as Moo Moo. There are lots of other kids also doing trick or treat. I was the youngest one. Kuku did all the work, carry me around, hold the candy basket, and shout 'Trick or Treat........'. I was just there to be cute. Lots of people gave me candy, one gave me my food, apple sauce. Funny..... There's one house that did not open the door. So I 'Moo' at them. There are also lots of scary decoration, but I did not scared at all. Momma however jump when one of the decoration 'bride' talked when we walked by. I had a very fun time tonight.

See.... I got lots of candy...... Lots and lots of candy.

Everything looks yummy.... which one should I eat first. Slurp..........

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Hobby

Today I found a new hobby, I like to read book. When they read book to me, I listen quitely and look at the pretty pictures.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I am 5 months old today

I am getting older today. 5 Month 15 lbs and 25 inches.
I got early training on playing games.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Las Vegas Trip

Last weekend was my first trip out of town. Guess where I went. Las Vegas!!!! I was very excited I slept all the way to Las Vegas. When we got there, I got so excited looking at all the lights and all. Seems like I was inside my toy that got lots of lights that mommy got for me. I had tummy ache though, mommy didn't bring my sterilizer and I drank the hot water from the buffet place. The smoke didn't help either. Overall.... it was exciting, but I wouldn't go back there until I can gamble. hehehehe............

Room service.......

View from our room

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch in Northpark

Getting in line for almost 1 hr to get my caricature done.

This is what we are waiting in line for so long for.
I am wayyyyyyyyyyy more cuter than this, don't u think?????

I'm driving.....

This is my new house, thanks papa.....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I like to walk even though I can't sit.

Big dude & Small dude feet comparison.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lau Lau & Lau Ye lasy day in LA

I'll miss you, Lau Lau & Lau Ye....... Come visit me again in LA soon, ok?!

Happy Halloweeennnnn!!!!!

My first halloween. I am a Moo Moo.....