Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ringling Bros Circus

Today was pretty hot outside. We went to see Ringling Bros circus in Honda Center. My first circus. When we get there, there are lots of animals outside. There were Horses, Zebras, Elephanes, Tigers. Then there were pre-show before the real show. We got to see clowns, and stuff. I was pretty amaze looking at all those weird looking people with lots of makeups. The show was pretty good with lots of lights and bling bling from the clothes from the performers. It was so comfy inside the building, make me zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz while watching the show with those loud music. When I woke up, lucky me the show was not over yet. I got to see cute doogies, smart elephans, dancing tigers, and I was able to watch the other half of the show. Over all, I like it.

Dancing Tiger

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