Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today is very very hot in LA. Mama take me, Lau Ye, and Lau Lau to Yogurtland. They have different kind of yogurt, and we (meaning everybody else except me. hik...hik...hik...) eat it with our favorite fruits, or other toppings. It's so yummy (at least it looks yummy), but I can't eat it yet. hik...hik...hik...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Relaxing and Playing with Lau Ye and Lau Lau

Last night, I had a constipation problem and can not sleep for almost the whole night. I slept for 20 min then I woke up, sleep for 20 min then woke up. Keep waking up almost the whole night. So uncomfortable. Mama felt so helpless. I have been pushing and pushing and pushing until 4am, I was finally 'freeeeeeeeeeeee...............' Today I was so exhausted. Don't feel like doing anything, which is a very rare occassion since I am a very active kid.

Lau Ye arrived today from Maryland. We all went to pick him up in Long Beach airport.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rare event catch on camera

Very rare that papa give me bath. And today is one of those day.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Me Sleeping

My schedule is really weird lately. I would eat at 6:30pm, get cranky til I go to sleep at 8:00pm. Woke up at 2:00am to drink milk, and again at 6:00am. I could sleep 6 hours thru but not the right 6 hrs.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

So tired after exercising...

Take a morning walk to Zion Market

Here's me.................... Where am I? where am I??????

I'm sleeping while Daddy's buying groceries.

Daddy exchange me with a bag of fruit. hik... hik...

And here's me again. :P

I have the urge to suck my thumb lately. And mommy, daddy, or kuku always pinch my nose when I do that.

Nobody's looking....

I don't like to play in 1 place for more than 10 min maximum. See me trying to get out of my swing.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My neck is getting stronger every day...

Yay Daddy... yay..... yay....... Dadddyyy.... I'm slipping....